Cross-cultural invariance of perfectionism

Cross-cultural invariance of perfectionism has been tested in a study of Canadian and Italian samples. In this study we got interesting findings.

Perfectionism measures developed in English-speaking populations have become frequently used in many non-English contexts, including in Italy. Establishing structural and measurement equivalence of instruments between Canadian and Italian samples is therefore important in establishing the validity of these concepts and instruments in Italian contexts, and to allow for direct cross-cultural comparisons.

The current study investigated the measurement equivalence between a Canadian and an Italian sample for the commonly used measures of perfectionism constructs based on the Comprehensive Model of Perfectionistic Behavior. The Hewitt & Flett Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, the Perfectionistic Self-Presentation Scale, and the Perfectionism Cognitions Inventory were examined for configural, metric, and scalar invariance via equivalence testing of multigroup confirmatory factor analysis models.

The results showed some evidence for configural and metric equivalence for the three measures, thus facilitating cross-cultural interpretation of pattern of associations. However, there was no consistent evidence for scalar invariance, thus suggesting that direct comparisons of perfectionism levels between the two contexts cannot be meaningfully interpreted. This highlights the need for research in both Canadian and Italian contexts to understand cross-cultural invariance of perfectionism.

These findings further highlight the complexity of translating instruments developed in one culture into another, even in two industrialized, “Western” countries. Further research, particularly collaboration by Canadian and Italian researchers using multi-method approaches, would be useful for elucidating the similarities and differences between these two cultures in how perfectionism manifests, how participants respond on perfectionism questionnaires, and the implications of such for understanding psychological difficulties and their treatment.

Cai, N., Dang, S. S., Cheli, S., Cavalletti, V., Flett, G. L., & Hewit, P. L. (2024). Examination of Measures of Perfectionism for Structural and Measurement Invariance in an Italian and a Canadian Sample. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 0(0).